I find that it does excellently on every front. The layering is clean and fleshed out, while the sound separation is tidy and distinct. The staging sounds open and sufficiently spacious in width, d...
MS3 嘅規格我會形容為係「適當」、「恰到好處」。總括來講,配件豐富,聲對得住個價有突,可以換filter來調音,一次過滿足曬你三個願望,作為入門機夠做了。
Hidizs MS3 Review - the Honest Audiophile
Hidizs MS3-Vivid, Expressive,Vibrant,High Energy BUT is it Audiophile?-Honest Audiophile Impressions
Hidizs MS3 Review - Soundignity
Hidizs Sudah Bangkit 🏋🏼♂️🏋🏼♂️- REVIEW IEM HIDIZS MS3
Hidizs MS3 Review - Rodrigo Santana
Hidizs MS3 - Uma surpresa na faixa dos 100 dólares!
Hidizs MS3 Review -Corvus Peace
Hidizs MS3 | Ep. 2 | La Jam Session Que Superó al Legítimo Heredero